08 May 2013
May 8, 2013

Rural Minnesotans Less Optimistic About Economy

May 8, 2013

MPR News
Tom Robertson

Rural Minnesotans are less optimistic about the economy than people in the Twin Cities and other metropolitan areas of the state, according to a new study by the Blandin Foundation.

The Blandin Foundation’s Rural Pulse survey, to be released today, found that while about 40 percent of respondents in urban areas thought there aren’t enough local job opportunities, 56 percent of rural Minnesotans thought so.

“Recovery hasn’t made it to all people,” said Kathleen Annette, president of the Grand Rapids-based foundation. “And there are those in rural communities that have less optimism. And those are primarily those that are making less than $35,000 a year, and they’re older than the age of 35.” Read more: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2013/05/08/news/rural-minnesotans