16 Feb 2015
February 16, 2015

PEIS Consideration Was Waste of Time

February 16, 2015

Mesabi Daily News

The proposed Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Superior National Forest because of copper/nickel/precious metals mining projects was an incredible waste of time brought to everyone by extreme environmentalists.

While we are pleased that U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Department of Agriculture officials finally put a stamp of common sense on this issue by saying there is no need for such a far-reaching environmental impact study, here’s what they should have also said to the environmentalists who sought it: “Why are you wasting our time and money to even have to consider this. It’s a frivolous request.”

The PEIS would have been a duplication of what is already being done as far as an environmental impact statement for the PolyMet project near Hoyt Lakes and what will be done for the nonferrous Twin Metals project near Ely and Babbitt.

Read more: http://www.virginiamn.com/opinion/editorials/peis-consideration-was-waste-of-time/article_2652a4e8-b64e-11e4-9e96-43f14a34bb2e.html?_dc=402006589341.9087