St. Paul, Minn. (March 4, 2021) – Jobs for Minnesotans released the below statement following today’s news that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has filed a voluntary motion to remand its downstream water quality decision regarding the PolyMet NorthMet Project:

“Jobs for Minnesotans is confident the PolyMet NorthMet Project’s scientific record will be upheld, and the EPA will find, again, that the project will have no downstream water quality impacts. We stand strong behind the science that was affirmed in the project’s 16-year record. We urge the EPA to move forward expeditiously with its review.

“The PolyMet NorthMet project is expected to provide 360 family-sustaining jobs to northeast Minnesota, a region currently experiencing severe economic disparities and unemployment rates compared to the Twin Cities metro area. The project will also be the first to mine nonferrous metals from Minnesota’s Duluth Complex that are needed to meet growing demand of renewable energy technologies, electric vehicles and other climate change solutions.”

About Jobs for Minnesotans

Jobs for Minnesotans, a coalition representing business, labor and communities, supports statewide opportunities for prosperity and middle-class jobs from sustainable natural resource development in Minnesota. The organization is committed to the principle that our state can preserve both job opportunities and the environment for future generations. Jobs for Minnesotans was co-founded in 2012 by the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council representing 70,000 workers and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce representing 6,300 members and 500,000 employees. For more information, visit, follow @JobsforMN on Twitter and find the coalition on


Media Contact: Nancy Norr, Board Chair

St. Paul, Minn. (February 24, 2021) – Jobs for Minnesotans released the below statement following today’s Minnesota Supreme Court ruling reversing the Minnesota Court of Appeals decision on the air permit for the PolyMet NorthMet project issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The ruling also remanded the Minnesota Court of Appeals address the remaining issues on appeal:

“Today’s air permit ruling is an affirmation of the comprehensive regulatory process codified in Minnesota’s laws, the PolyMet project’s scientific record and the expertise of the MPCA. The Minnesota Supreme Court supports the multi-year agency review conducted to ensure environmental standards will be met.

“This is a positive step forward for the PolyMet project after 16 years of regulatory review and the seventh court ruling that has upheld the permitting process. While we wait on the rulings of remaining court challenges for the project, Jobs for Minnesotans encourages all supporters of responsible industry to remain resilient as they look forward to the construction of this sustainable mine.

“The PolyMet NorthMet project is expected to provide 360 family-sustaining jobs to northeast Minnesota, a region currently experiencing severe economic disparities and unemployment rates compared to the Twin Cities metro area. The project will also be the first in Minnesota to mine nonferrous metals needed for the growing demand of renewable energy technologies, electric vehicles and other climate change solutions.”

About Jobs for Minnesotans

Jobs for Minnesotans, a coalition representing business, labor and communities, supports statewide opportunities for prosperity and middle-class jobs from sustainable natural resource development in Minnesota. The organization is committed to the principle that our state can preserve both job opportunities and the environment for future generations. Jobs for Minnesotans was co-founded in 2012 by the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council representing 70,000 workers and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce representing 6,300 members and 500,000 employees. For more information, visit, follow @JobsforMN on Twitter and find the coalition on


Media Contact: Nancy Norr, Board Chair

Jobs For Minnesotans stands in solidarity with the workers and communities affected by today’s actions. No matter the outcome of the investigation, putting lives and the environment at risk does not represent peaceful and lawful protest.


Today Enbridge workers and contractors working on the company’s Line 3 replacement project observed a group of protesters, one of whom threw a suspicious device onto the construction site.  The protesters then rushed to drive away from the scene. Our workers reported the incident to local authorities, and have been evacuated from the site as emergency responders investigate. 

Out of an abundance of caution Enbridge has shut down its pipelines in the area.

Putting the lives of workers and others at risk is unacceptable.  Protestors need to know actions that put people in harm’s way will be prosecuted, and that we are working with the police and other authorities to assure worker safety.


Media Contact: Nancy Norr, Board Chair

Duluth News Tribune
By Frank Ongaro of Duluth, executive director of Mining Minnesota (, an advocacy group for copper-nickel mining

In her Feb. 10 commentary in the News Tribune, Laura Gauger argued that the Flambeau Mine in Wisconsin is not an example of a successful mining project. Unfortunately, the commentary conveniently omitted several facts.

While a focus should be on Minnesota’s comprehensive, science-based environmental review and permitting processes, it is important to point out some key facts about the Flambeau Mine.

First, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources holds this mine up as an example of a successful operation and successful closure. Plans for closure and reclamation were part of the initial permitting process and were approved by state regulators. The reclaimed site is now home to acres of wetlands, hundreds of species of plants and animals, miles of hiking trails, and five miles of equestrian trails open to the public year-round.

Read more:

St. Paul, Minn. (Feb. 8, 2021) – Jobs for Minnesotans released the following statement in response to the decision by the U.S. District Court to deny the motion for a preliminary injunction on the Line 3 Replacement Project’s 404 water permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:

“The U.S. District Court decision reinforces the sound scientific record of the Line 3 Replacement Project. This Court, along with the Minnesota Court of Appeals which also denied a stay to the project last week, has determined stopping construction would be too harmful not only to the surrounding environment of the aging pipeline this project replaces, but also to the Minnesota communities along the route corridor experiencing irreplaceable investment, and the 5,000 skilled professionals currently working on the project relying on its employment and health care benefits.

“Jobs for Minnesotans encourages all Minnesotans to accept the agency decisions made time and time again to advance this critical $2.6 billion private investment in the state’s energy transportation infrastructure. We strongly support a safe and respectful work environment for the construction workers and the communities along the corridor.”

About Jobs for Minnesotans

Jobs for Minnesotans, a coalition representing business, labor and communities, supports statewide opportunities for prosperity and middle-class jobs from sustainable natural resource development in Minnesota. The organization is committed to the principle that our state can preserve both job opportunities and the environment for future generations. Jobs for Minnesotans was co-founded in 2012 by the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council representing 70,000 workers and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce representing 6,300 members and 500,000 employees. For more information, visit, follow @JobsforMN on Twitter and find the coalition on


Media Contact: Nancy Norr, Board Chair