28 Feb 2014
February 28, 2014

New Generation of Mining Is Spark We Need

February 28, 2014

Mesabi Daily News
Opinion: Rep. Jason Metsa

Fortunately, we have an opportunity before us to forge a new, thriving economy on the Range — one that offers diverse, stable jobs that can’t be exported.

The untapped precious metals in our region — much like the natural resources my family benefitted from generations ago — will allow us to renew our position as a natural resource provider for the entire nation.

A new generation of mining is the spark we need to revitalize our regional economy right now and in the future. These companies require educated workers. They hire ecologists, environmentalists, geologists, chemists, and a slew of other professionals, and welders, electricians, millrights truck drivers and laborers to operate the new generation of stable and technological mining in Northeastern Minnesota.

Read more: http://www.virginiamn.com/opinion/letters/article_dc9d4b22-a00b-11e3-a2e3-0019bb2963f4.html?_dc=81420515431.09119