12 May 2015
May 12, 2015

Mining Support

May 12, 2015

Hibbing Daily Tribune
Opinion: Boris Babich

As we can see on the Iron Range, mining is our livelihood.

The Minnesota Museum of Mining allows visitors to climb aboard historic mining equipment and experience the beauty of the Stone Castle. Iron Range visitors can also see the world’s largest open pit iron mine at the Hull-Rust-Mahoning Mine and explore the first underground mine in Minnesota at the Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Bus tours take you through active taconite mines and scenic overlooks provide the greatest views of operating and non-active mines across the state.

The Iron Range and its residents are proud of the strong mining heritage in Minnesota and it is important to maintain this legacy for years to come.

Read more: http://www.hibbingmn.com/opinion/open_forum/mining-support/article_76e4aaa6-f84c-11e4-a42d-076702b4842d.html?_dc=323561718.6874151