30 Oct 2013
October 30, 2013

MINE II Section is Here

October 30, 2013

Hibbing Daily Tribune

Building off the success of our first special 48-page section called MINE, today we present to you MINE II, the second ACM newspapers publication focusing on the importance — past, present and into the future — of mining to the Iron Range.

The MINE venture is a cooperative effort of the Mesabi Daily News, Hibbing Daily Tribune, Grand Rapids Herald-Review and Chisholm Tribune Press.

Mining is the very foundation of the Iron Range. It cuts to the core of our heritage and traditions, and holds so much continued financial promise for the region. And the stories of mining’s history, its current status and its promise for a better future for the Range are never-ending.

Read more: http://www.hibbingmn.com/news/local/article_81066318-4109-11e3-8912-0019bb2963f4.html