Jobs for Minnesotans Supports Twin Metals’ Filing of Appeal
St. Paul, Minnesota (Nov. 3, 2023) – Jobs for Minnesotans released the following statement in response to Twin Metals’ decision to defend its federal mineral leases from unlawful federal agency action and file a notice of appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit following September’s dismissal of its lawsuit by a U.S. District Court Judge:
“Jobs for Minnesotans supports Twin Metals’ decision to appeal the dismissal of its federal lawsuit. This move demonstrates their unwavering commitment to the communities of northeast Minnesota and to pursue a project that would mine minerals needed for clean energy technologies.
“We continue to stand firmly behind the fair opportunity for every responsible industrial project, including Twin Metals, to undergo the thorough, science-based regulatory review process outlined by law – a process that would determine if this project can both mine safely and protect the environment.
“Minnesota holds incredible potential to become a leader in the responsible production of critical minerals that are essential to our state and nation’s clean energy transition. As the demand for these minerals grows exponentially, we cannot afford to ignore the pressing need for dependable domestic sources. In fact, our dependence on foreign nations for critical minerals reached an all-time high in 2022.
“The actions taken against Twin Metals are unjust, and they continue to jeopardize the economic well-being of northeast Minnesota and hinder our nation’s clean energy goals. We simply ask that politics be put to the side and the space be made for responsible mining projects that can spur economic growth and job creation to be fairly assessed and reviewed.”
About Jobs for Minnesotans
Jobs for Minnesotans, a coalition representing business, labor and communities, supports statewide opportunities for prosperity and middle-class jobs from sustainable natural resource development in Minnesota. The organization is committed to the principle that our state can preserve both job opportunities and the environment for future generations. Jobs for Minnesotans was co-founded in 2012 by the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council representing 70,000 workers and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce representing 2,300 members and 500,000 employees. For more information, visit, follow @JobsforMN on Twitter or LinkedIn and find the coalition on