29 Aug 2014
August 29, 2014

Iron Range Engineering Expands; 100% Job Placement

August 29, 2014

Hometown Focus

Iron Range Engineering is now starting the sixth year of offering the final two years of a bachelor’s degree in engineering on the Virginia campus of Mesabi Range College. IRE is an ABET accredited engineering program where students learn engineering skills and competencies while solving real engineering problems for industry clients in northeastern Minnesota.

In the past five years, 60 students have graduated from IRE; 80% of graduates are working as engineers in northern Minnesota with the other 20% working in metro Minnesota and beyond the borders of Minnesota for companies like Medtronic, Amazon, and Proctor and Gamble.

Read more: http://www.hometownfocus.us/news/2014-08-29/Mining_Features/Iron_Range_Engineering_expands_100_job_placement.html