10 May 2015
May 10, 2015

Deal Made in 1978 Now Ignored by Those Who Made It

May 10, 2015

Ely Echo
Opinion: Joe Baltich Jr., Ely resort owner

The Sierra Club and other enviro-groups, along with the state and the mining industry, all signed the agreement that effectively shut down any new mine development given the technology of the time. The enviros cheered and drank champagne from tall fluted crystal glasses made from mined silica while everybody else went home.

Fast-forward to 2005. Duluth Metals and PolyMet put forth new, patented technology that could do what nobody even imagined in 1978. With this new tech, plus light-years of advancements in mining technology, it appears these companies could meet and exceed all of the requirements in that agreement.

Read more: http://www.elyecho.com/articles/2015/05/10/deal-made-1978-now-ignored-those-who-made-it