Northland’s NewsCenter

Go Polymet,” is the slogan of a new public awareness campaign to promote the future of copper-nickel mining in Northeastern Minnesota.

As part of its campaign, PolyMet has created “Go PolyMet dot com”, a website with details about its mining project and ways the public can support efforts to build a plant near Hoyt Lakes.

When fully operational the half billion dollar plant is expected to employ 360 mining and business professionals and hundreds more in spin-off jobs.

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Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal
Jim Hammerand

Minnesota copper mining backers are pointing to a new state poll that shows support for copper projects.

The poll, commissioned by pro-mining group Jobs for Minnesotans, found 48 percent of Minnesota voters support copper nickel mining, 22 percent oppose it and 31 percent need more information to decide.

The poll contradicts a survey conducted by an anti-mining group that found slim opposition to copper mines but 40 percent who weren’t sure either way. Both polls pointed to a large share of undecided Minnesotans, who might be more informed when regulators release a revised environmental review of the PolyMet project later this year.

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Duluth News Tribune
John Myers

A group organized to help push copper mining projects in northeastern Minnesota released the results of statewide polls Tuesday that shows support for copper projects here.

The poll of 603 registered Minnesota voters– paid for by Jobs for Minnesotans, which includes business, labor and civic leaders – found 48 percent support copper-nickel mining, while just 22 percent oppose it, and 31 percent didn’t know enough to say.

When Iron Range voters were polled, a full 70 percent supported copper mining, with 15 percent opposed.

“Overall, Minnesotans hold positive attitudes towards our state’s mining industry and the development of copper-nickel mining,” Harry Melander, Jobs for Minnesotans board member and president of the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council, said in a statement.

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Survey Backs Copper/Nickel

October 8, 2013

Mesabi Daily News
Bill Hanna

Mining, in all forms in Minnesota, has strong support, according to a survey commissioned by the Jobs for Minnesotans group.

“The bottom line is this: Minnesota voters support increased mining and are favorable towards the mining industry. While they rightfully care about protecting the environment, voters feel that the state’s existing regulatory system — including DNR approval for all new mining projects — is strong enough to ensure new copper/nickel projects will be done in an environmentally responsible way,” the Global Strategy Group, which did the survey and released the results on Monday, said in a news release.

“Overall, Minnesotans hold positive attitudes towards our state’s mining industry and the development of copper/nickel mining,” said Harry Melander, Jobs for Minnesotans board member and president of the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council.

“Minnesota has the opportunity to gain thousands of jobs through these mining projects. Support for copper/nickel mining not only demonstrates our state’s commitment to the mining industry but also the support for economic growth on the Iron Range and across the state.”

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A new statewide survey, released today, indicates increased support for mining in Minnesota.

A majority of voters (56 percent) surveyed favor expanding Minnesota’s mining industry, with a plurality of voters (48 percent) supporting copper-nickel mining specifically. Only 22 percent of voters oppose copper-nickel mining while a third of voters (31 percent) don’t know enough about copper-nickel mining to say.

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