Local view: Leave PolyMet water modeling to experts
Duluth News Tribune
Opinion: Chris Vreeland
Federal and state regulators hold new mine proposals to extremely high standards not seen in many other industries. In fact, the public is free to see just how stringent the process is by accessing the 3,100-page environmental impact statement that has been 10 years in the making by these regulators.
PolyMet “pleased” with EPA letter
Mesabi Daily News
Bill Hanna
PolyMet CEO and Director Jon Cherry says the company is “very pleased” with a letter from the Environmental Protection Agency on the Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement for the state’s first copper/nickel/precious metals mine near Hoyt Lakes.
“We’re proud of how we’ve been handling this. We are pleased with the final PEIS,” Cherry said in a telephone interview with the Mesabi Daily News.
Modern mining is no threat to Minnesota
Star Tribune
Opinion: Frank Ongaro (Mining Minnesota)
To protect our safety and the environment, regulations applicable to the mining industry are continuously updated and improved. This enables both the mining of metals that are so vital to our modern lifestyle and the protection of our natural resources.
And, in Minnesota, it allows us to put people to work in a region that is hard-hit with taconite mining layoffs and where mining is a way of life. The proposed PolyMet mine near Hoyt Lakes would create 1,000 direct and spinoff jobs, along with an annual economic benefit to the region of $500 million — 25 times the amount recently requested by Gov. Mark Dayton for Lake Mille Lacs walleye relief.
Read more: http://www.startribune.com/modern-mining-is-no-threat-to-minnesota/322553111/
City Votes to Support PolyMet
Grand Rapids Herald-Review
Lisa Rosemore
The City of Grand Rapids officially supports the proposed PolyMet mining project near Hoyt Lakes.
In a unanimous vote during Monday’s regular council meeting, the Grand Rapids City Council passed a resolution of support for the nonferrous mining project.
DNR gives details on PolyMet review process
Mesabi Daily News
Bill Hanna
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has provided new details on the tasks remaining in the PolyMet copper/nickel/precious metals Environmental Impact Statement process.
The preliminary final EIS state-federal review for the nonferrous metals project near Hoyt Lakes began on June 22. The overall final process will go into February 2016.