Mesabi Daily News
Opinion: Steve Giorgi

Our community leaders need to work together as a region as we will be challenged again to do more with less. We need to take pride in our communities and make them inviting and welcoming to newbies who come to town, who may have a different outlook on life than us but are what we need to survive.

We need new blood, fresh ideas, new challenges to help us accept that life as we have known it for the past 100 years is going to change. Let’s work together to make it a change for the better.

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Mesabi Daily News
Opinion: Kurt Daudt 

Minnesota has a long, rich history of mining.

Iron was discovered while miners were in pursuit of gold in the late 1860s. At the time, they did not know iron would become more valuable to northern Minnesota than gold or that our state would become the largest producer of iron ore and taconite in our nation.

Imagine if early Minnesotans ignored the discovery of iron ore on the Range. Mining is not just part of our past, but an important part of our present and future.

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Mesabi Daily News
Opinion: Steve Giorgi

Our community leaders need to work together as a region as we will be challenged again to do more with less. We need to take pride in our communities and make them inviting and welcoming to newbies who come to town, who may have a different outlook on life than us but are what we need to survive.

We need new blood, fresh ideas, new challenges to help us accept that life as we have known it for the past 100 years is going to change. Let’s work together to make it a change for the better.

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Mesabi Daily News
Opinion: Michael Thompson

Once [PolyMet] is operational, 360 direct mining jobs will be created having a payroll spending impact of $330 million per year. Don’t forget about the indirect jobs that this will create. Contractors doing maintenance of facilities, vendors and small businesses expanding or opening would create an additional estimated 630 jobs. The Labovitz School of Business at the University of Minnesota-Duluth economic impact study estimates a total of $515 million per year being pumped into the local economy.

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Duluth News Tribune
Opinion: Frank Ongaro

Is PolyMet a big deal?

“Polymet will be creating the same economic impact as having the Super Bowl in Northeastern Minnesota every year for 24 years. They estimate when the Super Bowl comes to Minnesota (in two years), it’s going to be a half-a-billion-dollar, a 500-million-dollar, benefit to the state of Minnesota. That’s what PolyMet is going to do, plus (more), each and every year for 24 years. Let’s start there. Let’s look at the economic opportunity and then let’s go from there.”

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