Copper-Mining Supporters to Boycott St. Paul Hearing
Duluth News Tribune
John Myers
Supporters of copper-mining projects near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness say they will boycott a public hearing on the issue slated for July 18 in St. Paul.
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Bemidji, Minnesota (June 22, 2017) – Jobs for Minnesotans today joined representatives from business, labor and the community to voice their collective support for Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement Project in advance of the final Minnesota Department of Commerce (DOC) public meeting for comments to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project. The organization also urged the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to approve the certificate of need and preferred route applications for the project.
The Line 3 pipeline is a key component of the safe energy transportation network used to deliver the crude oil needed by Minnesota’s refiners and used by residents. The proposed replacement project will restore capacity of the line and reduce the need for maintenance, preserving the highest possible standards in safety and efficiency, while providing Minnesotans with thousands of new job opportunities.
“Enbridge has been a good neighbor to the Bemidji community for more than 65 years,” said Jason George, Jobs for Minnesotans board member and legislative and special projects director with International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 49. “Six pipelines currently run through the Bemidji area – a community that has benefited from jobs during construction and maintenance of these pipelines. With oil moving underground, we also continue to maintain a tourism industry and beautiful outdoors that brings pride to everyone here.”
The Line 3 Replacement Project has the potential to create more 6,500 jobs for Minnesotans over a two-year period in construction, hospitality, supplies and manufacturing, according to a recent study by the University of Minnesota Duluth. The project could also generate long-term employment positions in safety, monitoring and maintenance of the pipeline.
A key priority for Enbridge is to ensure the safety of the residents and communities that will be affected by the project. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, pipelines are the safest and most efficient way to transport energy. The regulatory review for the Line 3 Replacement Project is comprehensive and robust, and has been taking place for more than two years.
“We call on the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to approve the certificate of need and preferred route applications for the Line 3 Replacement Project in a timely fashion,” said George.
George was joined in Bemidji by other representatives from business, labor and the community who echoed their support for moving forward expeditiously to permit the Line 3 Replacement Project. Speakers included:
- Jim Lucachick, Commissioner, Beltrami County & Owner, Lucachick Architecture, Inc.
- Bob Schoneberger, President, United Piping, Inc.
The public meeting in Bemidji marked the last of 22 statewide meetings organized by the DOC.
An image of speakers at the press conference is available for download here: (From left to right: Bob Schoneberger, Jim Lucachick, Jason George)
About Jobs for Minnesotans
Jobs for Minnesotans, a coalition representing business, labor and communities, supports statewide opportunities for prosperity and middle-class jobs from sustainable natural resource development in Minnesota. The organization is committed to the principle that our state can preserve both job opportunities and the environment for future generations. Jobs for Minnesotans was co-founded in 2012 by the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council representing 55,000 workers and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce representing 2,300 companies and 500,000 employees. For more information, visit, follow @JobsforMN on Twitter and find the coalition on
Media Contact: Meagan Pick
Cell: 913.491.6754
Nolan Takes Republicans on a Tour of Range Mining Sites
Mesabi Daily News
Jerry Burnes
The congressmen toured United Taconite in Eveleth before visiting with Twin Metals officials and taking in the proposed underground copper-nickel mine site near Ely.
The Enbridge Line 3 replacement project will create approximately 8,600 jobs and will represent an investment of more than $2 billion in the 15-county study area of Minnesota according to a new economic impact study.
Duluth News Tribune
Nancy Norr and Craig Olson
Natural resources allow us to transport our goods from point A to point B, fuel our cars, keep our homes warm, and cook the food that keeps our families happy and healthy. Those natural resources include the materials that fabricate steel pipe and the petroleum that flows through it. In Minnesota, we rely on liquid oil pipelines to move energy safely to where it’s needed and used to do all of the above.
For decades, pipelines quietly have crossed a variety of environments, moving energy to where it’s needed and used. More than 2.5 million miles of gas and petroleum pipelines crisscross the United States, safely crossing thousands of bodies of water to deliver the energy we rely on to fuel our daily lives.